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Niched Advisement, Thought Partnership and Coaching

This work can feel overwhelming, particularly with learning curves and/or capacity limitations. We partner with organizational leaders to clarify, envision and strategize around structures, content, experiences and best practices suited for their context.

Targeted Team Culture and  Development Experiences

Focuses on developing "well humans" that operate fully in their humanity while yielding high impact.  We aim to imagine, create and facilitate towards sustainable people-centered work climates that have high employee satisfaction and retention. Past experiences have included affinity groups, employee resource groups, professional development, speaker series, book studies, etc.

Leadership Development

Specifically designed for executives and leadership teams that are willing to deconstruct biases and lack of inclusivity in their workplace. Through this journey, we work with leaders develop a hands-on approach for the most urgent cultural and climatic shifts needed in their organization.

©2023 by Cultivating Liberation

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